OCSHP Podcast Episode 2 is out on all streaming platforms! There have been tons of info on residency since it is such a hot topic in the fall/winter. For those students who could not attend today’s OCSHP Readiness event, this podcast gives great insight into how to secure and what to expect while completing a residency.

Episode description: If you survey current student pharmacists, many will express interest in pharmacy residency programs. Residency programs are designed to allow residents to gain a tremendous amount of practice experience in a short time frame. Most programs are a one-year commitment divided into years post-graduation (i.e. PGY1, PGY2). PGY1s are usually open to new pharmacist graduates while PGY2s are only open to those that have completed PGY1s. PGY1s tend to have a general focus (e.g. inpatient vs. outpatient) while PGY2s focus on a specific practice area (e.g. critical care, infectious diseases, oncology, etc.). Residents complete different rotations throughout the year and have longitudinal responsibilities (e.g. original research, staffing, teaching certificate).  This episode is designed to explain residency programs in further detail and provide listeners with information that will help them become stronger applicants and residents.